The chart recorder DA102-6N0000-ARK-0-A-Z-1-A00H0-000-SP belongs to DPR100 AB recorder serie, and it is based in a microprocessor that has been
designed for control temperatures and for general purpose applications worldwide. Its
design meets the requirements of quality, ruggedness,
flexibility, ease of use and optimum price/functionality
- Complete reference: DA102-6N0000-ARK-0-A-Z-1-A00H0-000-SP
- Two pens recorders, temperature mesurement in ºC degrees, two scales to inputs 1 and 2
- Inputs: an input 4-20mA and another PT100 from 100 to 300ºC
- Unit frequency: multivoltage 50 Hz (85 to 264V)
- Preset speed 1: 60 inch/hr
- Preset speed 2: 10 inch/hr
- Alarms: none
- Logic input: two remot contacts. L1: print inhibit switch. L2: change speed 1 to speed 2.
- Chart cassette: 50 divisions. Fan fold paper.
- Door and case: dark grey door withc latch, plastic window.
- Pen offset.
Technical data sheet (pdf)
Model selection guide (pdf)
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